Fort Lauderdale United VB selection process is thorough and fair. Athletes are evaluated based on various criteria, including skill, teamwork, coachability, and attitude. Everyone, regardless of past participation, must attend yearly tryouts, promoting continuous improvement and fairness. Not being automatically selected for the next season emphasizes meritocracy and motivates athletes to strive for excellence consistently.

    ***You will need to register for tryouts and have a current AAU membership prior to attending tryouts.   Please visit  our website for a complete description of the necessary steps that need to be taken before trying out.


    Coaches and Directors will use PlayMetrics to communicate all practice and tournament details to teams. It's crucial for athletes to check the chat and calendar regularly for any last-minute changes.Practice schedules at Fort Lauderdale United VB may vary due to school gym conflicts. In the unlikely and unfortunate event of a gym closure due to a school event, attempts will be made to reschedule, however this is not guaranteed.  Regular season team practices will conclude by  mid-May. However, teams advancing to AAU and/or USAV Nationals will continue practicing in preparation for these tournaments.


    Practice will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Players should arrive prepared and ready to start before practice begins. Before each practice session, athletes must confirm their attendance status through PlayMetrics. Even if injured, players are encouraged to attend practices to maintain their connection with the team. Athletes who missed practice, no matter the reason, may be subject to diminished play time in the subsequent tournament.


    All athletes are required to purchase specific Fort Lauderdale United VB uniform gear and equipment.  The type of team you are on will determine the requirements.  Required uniform packages and their prices will be made available to each team.

    Requirements may change from year to year based on supplier availability.


    Club Fees

    Club Fees can be found on our website under the tab Team Information

    Travel Fees

    Travel fees are additional fees paid by all athletes to cover the expenses of traveling.  These fees include:

    • Hotel expenses 
    • Transportation & meals
    • All athletes are required to pay their portion of the travel expenses for each tournament.

    Other Fees

    Uniform fees are charged separately from club fees. The uniform requirements for each team differs. Please check out the Uniforms Section of this manual. 

    Payment Responsibilities

    Athletes' accounts must be paid and in good standing in order to participate in team practices, tournaments as well as any clinics or classes hosted by Fort Lauderdale United VB.  Failure to maintain your athlete’s account in good standing, may result in a reduction of practice and or game play as well as removal from the current team or Fort Lauderdale United VB.


    It is imperative to understand that club volleyball entails a season-long commitment. While costs may be distributed across installments, every athlete bears full responsibility for the total season expenses.Tournament fees, once purchased, are non-refundable due to their advanced procurement. The sole exception to this policy is in cases of severe injury that incapacitates players for the remainder of the season. 



    All players are required to attend all scheduled tournaments. Any scheduling conflicts must be communicated to the coach at the start of the year. Conflicts may affect the athlete's court time as the team prepares during practice sessions leading up to an event. Missing events do not warrant a reimbursement of the participant's fees.

    Local Tournaments

    Teams will participate in local tournaments to facilitate skill development and foster team and club cohesion. These tournaments are typically held on Saturdays or Sundays, thereby avoiding any conflicts with school schedules.

    Travel Tournaments

    Travel tournaments typically span 2 or 3 days and require teams to stay overnight out of town. These tournaments provide valuable national-level experience and help in determining seeding. For "Elite" teams, these tournaments serve as qualifiers for the USA Volleyball Junior Olympics, making most scheduled travel events qualifying events. While regular season travel tournaments may last 3 days and could lead to missed school days, they are often scheduled during holidays to minimize absences. Post-season travel tournaments, such as Nationals or AAU Championships, usually last 4 to 6 days and take place in early summer. Athletes should plan to attend summer practices and tournaments accordingly.

    Team Officiating

    Officiating represents a collaborative effort involving the entire team. Every athlete is expected to contribute to line judging, score keeping, libero tracking, score flipping, and R1/R2 officiating. It's imperative that the entire team, regardless of the athletes assigned, remain present until all officiating tasks are fulfilled. Coaches will offer further guidance on scorekeeper and officiating through online clinics as well as structured clinics to help learn. It falls upon each player to complete scoring/officiating responsibilities, including official evaluations, and to submit completed paperwork to the region as specified on their website.

    Tournament Policies

    • Athletes' playing time is contingent upon the team level to which they are rostered. For a comprehensive understanding of play-time expectations, please refer to the team description tab on our website.
    • All members of the Academy, including athletes, parents, and supporters, are expected to maintain a respectful demeanor. This entails treating members of the officiating crew with courtesy and respect.
    • It is mandatory for all uniform pieces to be brought to tournaments. Additionally, uniforms must be clean and in good playing condition.
    • Athletes are required to remain at the tournament location until excused by the coach. Failure to do so may be considered abandoning the team, leading to disciplinary measures such as suspension or removal from the team or academy. Refunds will not be issued for this infraction under any circumstances.
    • Be respectful of referees and work teams.  

    Travel Policies

    • Athletes are expected to demonstrate courtesy and respect towards all staff members, including coaches, chaperones, and accompanying adults during team travel.
    • Athletes are obligated to promptly report any illness or injury to both the coach and chaperone without delay.
    • Athletes will bear full personal responsibility for any damages caused to property at lodging or playing facilities.
    • Athletes are expected to adhere to appropriate dress standards at all times.
    • Athletes discovered in possession of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs will be promptly sent home at the expense of the parent or guardian. Subsequent action by the club will ensue.

    Travel Arrangements 

    Participation in Stay N Play tournaments mandates booking hotels exclusively through the link provided by Fort Lauderdale United VB. Teams failing to meet the Stay to Play requirements will not be eligible to participate in the tournament.

    • It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to arrange transportation for players to and from the tournament.
    • The player and their family hold full responsibility for the player's welfare throughout the travel process.
    • The player and their family are responsible for arranging transportation to and from the airport and hotel.

    Each year, coaches and players are required to complete  online classes. Parents are encouraged to watch the online videos with their athlete.  Knowing the rules will allow you to enjoy the many hours you spend watching this game much more.  Nothing is more frustrating than listening to the irate parent scream at the official over a call THEY knew nothing about!  You may want to acquire an Official FIVB Volleyball Rules, presented by USA Volleyball at USAVolleyball.org.


    Energy Academy stresses the importance of providing athletes with an environment free from sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. We closely follow the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP). For more information, please see the MAAP document below.


    The impact parents have on their child's initiation and advancement in youth sports is frequently undervalued. While your support for your athlete is appreciated, please bear in mind the following guidelines at all times:

    • Please remember that the places where we practice and compete are akin to your child's classroom. It's essential to respect these environments as you would any educational setting.
    • Please ensure that all comments directed towards or about ALL players are positive and encouraging.
    • Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Please refrain from criticizing and instead focus on constructive feedback and encouragement.

    Please discuss concerns away from both the players and your child.

    • Demonstrate respect towards officials, coaching staff, parents, and players.
    • Take an interest in your child's sport and familiarize yourself with the rules.
    • Allow the volleyball coach to handle the coaching responsibilities.
    • Please ensure your child arrives at games and practices punctually.
    • Discourage and prevent your child from speaking negatively about teammates, coaches, or officials.
    • Support your child with positivity and discourage negative behavior, especially when they are discouraged. Parents may receive a Purple Card from the Referee for disruptive behavior, which could result in a sanction fee from the region. The parent who receives the card will be accountable for the fee and may face additional disciplinary actions from the club, including expulsion.
    • In the case of expulsion, no refunds will be given.

    Navigating when and how to communicate with your athlete's coach can be a concern for many parents during the season. Below are some best practices to guide you through this process:

    Athletes should communicate directly with the coach when facing issues such as playing time, position, or unclear expectations in practice or competition. Outside of practice, athletes can approach the coach to discuss how to improve their opportunities to play or achieve specific goals. Parents can best support their athlete by encouraging them through this process and promoting open communication with the coach. It's important that athletes, not parents, initiate discussions with the coach regarding "coaching decisions," which encompass aspects like practice organization, playing time, positions, substitutions, etc.


    Parents SHOULD:

    1. Request a meeting with the team coach 24 hours after the incident to discuss the matter further. Consider initiating contact via email to arrange a suitable meeting time. 
    2. Meetings should occur at a venue other than tournament locations.
    3. The initial meeting should involve the coaches of the team and the player.
    4. If the issue remains unresolved, parents are requested to adhere to the following guidelines whenever feasible.
    • Request a meeting directly with both the Team Coach and the Club Coach who is directly involved with your team.
    • If the matter remains unresolved, please consider contacting the Lead Coach responsible for your team's level for further assistance. This can be particularly beneficial when addressing concerns regarding the progression or direction of your team.
    • For matters more closely related to Fort Lauderdale United VB institutionally, please directly contact the Academy Director. The Director is readily available for any inquiries; however, utilizing the outlined resources can help Fort Lauderdale United VB maintain quick and efficient response times for everyone.

    Meetings should be held at a location suitable for private discussion, with agreement from all involved parties, and scheduled away from practice or tournaments. It's important to note that the decision of the academy director is FINAL at this stage.

    The parent or athlete SHOULD NOT:

    1. Approach a coach for a discussion during a practice session or tournament.
    2. Anticipate meetings to be arranged during practice sessions or tournament participation.
    3. Making “comparisons” or evaluations of other athletes.
    4. Using inappropriate language towards the coach.
    5. Harass or threaten the coach.
    6. Discuss their concerns with any other parents or players until a resolution has been reached with the coach.
    7. Approach a coach at a tournament about any issue.  

    At Fort Lauderdale United VB, any hostile or aggressive confrontations by parents towards officials, directors, coaches, athletes, or other parents will not be tolerated. Violation of this policy may lead to the dismissal of the athlete from the academy, with no refunds issued in such instances.

    Engaging other Fort Lauderdale United VB members (third parties) regarding issues with a coach, objections to coaching decisions, or disagreements with administrative decisions is deemed inappropriate.


    Plase see the HIROS form below.


    Please see the Club Release Policy form below.



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